In eigen vertaling

E.E. Cummings, 15 zinnelijke gedichten

Marion Moorehouse – olieschilderij van E.E. Cummings ©

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E.E. Cummings (1894 – 1962)

‘What is thy mouth to me?’
Uit: The Harvard Years 1911 – 1916

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‘i spoke to thee’
Uit: Tulips & Chimneys (1922)

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’there is a’
Uit: Tulips & Chimneys (1922)

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’twentyseven bums give a prostitute the once’
Uit: Tulips & Chimneys (1922)

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‘my smallheaded pearshaped’
Uit: & AND (1925)

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‘i like my body when it is with your’
Uit: & AND (1925)

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met dank ook aan Filip Van Roye

‘somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond’
Uit: W (ViVa) (1931)

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‘love is more thicker than forget’
Uit: 50 poems (1940)

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‘yes is a pleasant country:’
Uit: 95 Poems (1958)

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‘in time of daffodils(who know’
Uit: 95 poems (1958)

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‘i love you much(most beautiful darling)’
Uit: 95 Poems (1958)

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‘i carry your heart with me(i carry it in’
Uit: 95 poems (1958)

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Uit: 95 poems (1958)

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‘devil crept in eden wood’
Uit: Late Poems 1930 – 1952 in Etcetera: The Unpublished Poems (1983)

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uit: 95 Poems, 1958
